Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010
Snow Day! This is us pretending that we went out to play in the snow...the truth is, we were out there for about 5 minutes. I wanted to make a snowman but Caleb didn't care to. Someday when we have kids I will have someone to play in the snow with...

February 11, 2010
Thursday morning...right before leaving for work. It snowed ALL DAY and apparently set a record for most snow in a day for Dallas. We got 11 inches...although it was never cold enough to freeze the roads.

February 10, 2010
We had a bunch of gift money left over from our wedding and I decided it's about time that we try to use it up. :) Macy's was having a sale and I decided this could come in handy. Looking forward to using it!

February 9, 2010
Ok so this was the evening that I thought I was dying. It was so weird....I had a massive headache...and I felt nauseous and threw up...yet I had no fever and the next morning I felt fine. I took this picture right before crawling into 8:00. (Oh and don't be thinking any thoughts about morning sickness...that's definitely not what this was.) :)

February 8, 2010
This is the ginormous suitcase/laptop carrier thing that I take to and from work every day...UG.

February 7, 2010
Rachel came up for the day to visit. She came to church with us and then we went out to eat with cousin Erin. This picture is a little blurry but it was the best one of the both of them.

February 6, 2010
This is a painting that my sister painted for me. :)


  1. multiple comments about this set of pics- #1, love the picture! (that I'm assuming Rachel painted!) #2, the exact same thing (headache, nausea, throw up for one evening but no other symptoms) happened to me at my aunt's wedding in June! and everyone was like--morning sickness? and i was like NO (Definitely not!). It was way weird though because I don't usually have those types of symptoms... #3, love the snow! can't believe you got 11 in.! i would have made a snowman with you! =)

  2. Beautiful, Becca! I love the picture of you and Caleb "playing" in the could have fooled me! :)

  3. When ARE you having kids, by the way?
